Tuesday, December 11, 2007

November 17, 2007

After talking with my family and friends (more like sobbing really), I have completely abandoned the whole fear thing and have decided to switch to faith. I have always known how blessed I am to have so many wonderful, caring, and fantastic people in my life, but now I am completely blown away by the power that it creates. I've got a full team of supporters who will be with me every step of the way.

Linda reminded me that God wants me to live, to be healed, and she immediately launched into full throttle prayer warrior mode. Her words comforted me instantly and I let go of the fear right then. I had a flashback to the day I found out I was pregnant with Hannah three weeks after my snowmobile accident - sheer panic. I'd had so many xrays, procedures, and drugs and I was terrified about how it would all affect my baby. Identically to my situation this time around, two days later, I found peace in my faith and I knew that I was not spared that day to lose a baby. We were both meant to survive.

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